Wednesday, December 31, 2008

multis: the final verdict (as found in mc battle blog)

in rotation: oddisee - oddisee 101

an excellent article on the use of "multis" in emcee battles as found in mc battle blog - an insightful guide to the entertaining world of emcee battles.

"When utilized properly, multi-syllable rhyme patterns can dramatically increase the impact of your lines. When employed incorrectly, you sound like a fucking dipshit. Follow along as we guide you from an Eleagle to a.. well.. not Eleagle.

Ever since this style became all the rage, there’s been a legion of incredibly terrible battlers desperately trying to incorporate this tactic into their arsenal. Almost all have failed. The most obvious reason for this occurrence? They fucking suck.

In order to excel at rapping in multi-syllable fashion, you must be moderately intelligent and possess a large vocabulary, as well as the self-awareness to realize when your lines are atrocious. Since the majority of battlers lack these basic fundamentals, their verses wind up becoming a jumbled mess of stupidity.

The key to spitting a good, clean multi is a very simple concept, yet it somehow eludes many, many battlers. Above all, the most important guideline to follow is relevance (this is a mandatory requirement in general, but even more important when using multi-syllables). Despite this being completely disregarded by the majority of the current battle scene, without it, the most your bars can hope to achieve is to sound pretty.. and even then, they’re still trash.


You really think those played, used bars are gonna take you far?
You’ve got a better chance rolling through in a busted up, fake used car!

-Eleagle to D-Lor

Why is driving a used car such an impossibility? Why are we calling the car fake? There’s absolutely no reason Eleagle needed to say this. It’s forced, makes no sense and was only included because he needed words to rhyme.

Ayo! TheSaurus and Illmac? Your clitoris just builds fat..
-Frankie Wapps to TheSaurus & Illmaculate

How does a clitoris build fat?

TheSaurus’ grill, looks like a tortured seal, leftover pork & veal
Or some ordered meal from a Greek diner of half chewed orange peels

-Jaze Juce to TheSaurus

Saur’s face doesn’t resemble a seal, despite how much it’s been tortured. It’s also nothing close to a chewed up orange peel. Leaving out the worst comparison and inserting “pork and veal” at the end of the bar makes much more sense as that’s an item people might order at restaurants. Irrelevant multis ruin lines.

What is this? A.C. Slater? I think his fucking.. face seems gayer
And with 18 craters he’ll scare away each neighbor

-Jaze Juce to TheSaurus

How does a face seem gay? Why only 18 craters? Why not 17? It’s a bad sign when you need random numbers to make rhymes fit. Where’d these neighbors come from?

In case you don’t remember, but a while back there was a battler who garnered more hate than anyone else on the battle scene due to his abundant use of irrelevant and ludicrous comparisons. He’d often compare his opponents, human beings mind you, to inanimate objects that no human could possibly bear resemblance to.


You look like a giant sized onion on a fucking retarded broom stick!

Your face looks like someone stuck TNT inside a belly button!

His face looks like John Goodman’s face superimposed on a sack of potatoes!
-Mic Assassin to Iron Solomon

Yeah, I’m just not too sure how accurate those lines really are. As you can see, Iron Solomon just looks like a normal human being.

I doubt anyone out there would label these comparisons acceptable, which boggles the mind because so many jump at the chance to defend similar lines which follow nearly the same formula. The only difference between them being, you guessed it, multis.

Battle rap listeners give a pass to terrible comparisons because they sound pretty when surrounded in multi-laden rhymes. They are fascinated with these schemes because they think they’re harder to write. They laugh like morons while overlooking the fact that, despite how cute it sounds, nobody resembles 12 inanimate objects or random people.


He looks like Tiger Woods
Busted nuts inside of Little Red Riding Hood
Then out came Kobe Bryant’s foot
-Mosh Jelton to Unorthodox Phrases

Unorthodox looks nothing like Tiger Woods, but he is indeed a tall, black male so I guess whatever. What’s not debatable is the fact that he doesn’t resemble a small, fictional white girl or an NBA player’s foot. I don’t know how anyone can resmeble another human’s foot. Again, the multis are only in place to rhyme. It’s lazy writing.

You’re barely makin’ weary statements
And if you listen close enough to this fairy Haitian
You can hear Gary Payton’s cherry breakin

-Mosh Jelton to Unorthodox Phrases

I can’t tell if the first line is supposed to be a diss or a compliment? Weary means to cause fatigue, so um, whatever, at least it rhymes, right? Again, Unorthodox gets compared to another random black guy with another irrelevant multi attached. What the fuck does that shit even mean? Why is Gary Payton’s cherry being broken and why/how are we hearing it? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!??! *head explodes*

There’s really no explanation for these lines unless Mosh was battling Unorthodox while on a mescaline trip.

In closing, multi-syllabic rhyme patterns will never be a fair trade for making sense in a rap battle. In reality, they make you sound much, much worse. Create a line rooted in accuracy and relevance and stick to it. The battle scene will thank you."

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